Day 43 Warramboo Creek to Cleaverville Beach 7.6.24

Early in the morning I looked out the window and spotted a lone dingo checking out our camp…. We raced out side and got a couple of pics before he slunk off into the bush…

Our destination today was about 30 mins north of Karratha – Cleaverville Beach – so we packed up and left the free camp after having a great night together – despite Dave’s embarrassing marshmallow faux pas 😊… tricky managing those hot melted marshmallows around an open fire!!

Everything is so arid and dry – we travelled over dry riverbeds which occasionally had mud puddles in them… lots of red dirt and spinifex….

Big mining ventures with their huge transport areas occurred at regular intervals along the road….

Wide loads are common along the highway as huge mining machinery is moved around so lots of care has to be taken when passing one…

We turned off into Karratha for fuel and some supplies… the gas and mining industries dominate here – lots of road trains, gas plants, mining accommodation for FIFOs….

The bakery at Karratha had an extensive range so we had lunch… Trev indulging in a Banoffie Pie…

Continuing on north, we reached the turnoff to Cleaverville Beach and hit the dirt road – lots of red dust kicking up behind the vans…

The road was a bit windy and slippery with loose gravel, so we travelled carefully – the condition of the road was excellent though – very few corrugations…

We passed over clay pans, went over a crest and Cleaverville came into view.

The camphosts were lovely and pointed us to our sites which were fantastic – drive through, beach front and level!!

I was staring to feel a little under the weather having caught Trev’s cold but nothing a couple of codral couldn’t fix….

It was a little windy but not too bad… the best thing was that there were NO FLIES!!! It was great!!!

After setting up we walked along the beach – the tide was on the way out – tides are big up here….

We saw some interesting rock pools – and some really ugly chitons!!!

The sun set over the south headland – another beautiful evening!!

We discovered that at night in Cleaverville the hermit crabs come out in the campground – we saw so many – different shapes and sizes crawling over our mat – investigating our campsite….