Day 47 80 Mile Beach 11.6.24

Today was a planned slow and lazy day… but you never know what a day may bring….

Trev and I were enjoying a bacon and eggs brekky (Matt would be proud!!)…. When a sound could be heard from the Hunter Van….

Gordie came out clutching his arm looking sheepish and Branch knew exactly what to do….

We went straight over – on examination it appeared that Gordie had sustained a nasty degloving injury to his left forearm… apparently he was kneeling down at the base of the bed and had partially lifted up the bed to put something under it… and the bed promptly fell back down on his arm…

Branch was very sympathetic and checked out the damage… no amputation needed so the wound was cleaned and dressed… with lots of attention from MacGyver and Branch of course….

The morning became more eventful with Branch finding out Klaus had lost his battery cover somewhere between here and Port Hedland…. More than likely on the unsealed road out to 80 Mile… Anyway, Klaus took a drive looking for it…. always living in hope…

The battery fiasco continued to unfold with Klaus noticing some dampness in the base of the battery case (these were his new deep cycle batteries purchased just a day ago in Port Hedland as his 10 yr old caravan batteries finally gave up the ghost…).

On closer inspection he saw to his dismay that he had penetrated the battery with a screw he had screwed in to hold on the battery cover…. Which had fallen off anyway…

MacGyver and Branch sprang into action with a tube of silicon as a temporary seal… what looked like an expensive accident eventually worked out well – a big thanks to Battery Sales & Service at Port Hedland who supplied the batteries… they have kindly offered to replace the battery free of charge… and Klaus can pick it up when we are going to Marble Bar in a couple of weeks’ time….

And that was not all the positives – Klaus went into the reception desk at the caravan park to see if anyone had handed in a battery cover…no one had, however one of the maintenance staff overheard Klaus and came over – he had found one on the road… and yes it was Klaus’s… God’s providence is amazing!!

We all had some chores to do catching up on washing, but once we were sorted, we went down to spend some time on the beach…wading in the shallows…. Picking up some beautiful shells…

Klaus found a beached sea snake which was still alive…we watched as the tide came in and the sea snake finally swam off…

Trev put up the drone and took some spectacular footage of the beach and surrounds….

The area is so remote and stark…apart from the small oasis of the caravan park….

The water is an iridescent turquoise but a little milky due to the fine nature of the sand – it is so silky that it does not take much for it to remain suspended floating in the water and takes ages for it to settle on the ocean floor…. Only to be picked up immediately by the ongoing swell of the ocean…

We had a very enjoyable and relaxing day…. Looking forward to a repeat tomorrow!!