Wild Adventure II Epilogue

We have all been home for over a week now and are settling back into the routine of work, home, family, church, friends and life in general.

The experience of travelling around Australia visiting remote and beautiful places cannot be underestimated. There is so much diversity – rugged mountains, arid deserts, crystal clear waterfalls, azure seas, white sparking sands and verdant rainforest….not to mention the unique wildlife that inhabits all these locations!

Such awesome creation living together in an incredibly delicate but completely balanced way is a testimony crying out to all of the existence of God – the Creator and King of the universe and the miniscule portion of it we call Earth.

As Psalm 8 so aptly reminds us:

“When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,

what is man that You are mindful of him? the son of man that you care for him?

You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honour

You made him ruler over the works of Your hands; You put everything under his feet:

all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, the birds of the air and the fish of the sea, all that swims the path of the seas.

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your Name in all the earth”

It is amazing to think that such a majestic and all-powerful God longs to have a personal relationship with us – His created beings – and he has enabled that to be possible through His Son , Jesus Christ.

To all who came with us on our trip – including Gordon and Kerry Hunter, Dave and Rosie Wells, Glen, Annette and Ashleigh Hackfath, our fly in fly out buddies Joe and Leanne Rao -Davies and Carole Bowyer, and our itinerants Wayne and Jo Eriksson who we crossed paths with several times….thanks for all the laughs and for making this trip so memorable – your fellowship, encouragement and friendship will never be forgotten!

To Mark and Kim Shelton (and the Chihuahua crew) in Hervey Bay- thanks for your fellowship and hospitality in welcoming our motley crew into your home….

To those who we met on our journey – Les and Joy, Lester, Rochelle, Josh, Frank and Jules, Duncan and Heather, Warren and so many more who we shared our lives with, prayed with, shared our faith, encouraged, counselled and heard your stories – thanks for making this trip more than just a sight-seeing venture. We will continue to pray for you and may God richly bless you all as you seek to know Him better.

Thanks too to all of you who followed, read and commented on the blog – we enjoyed receiving the comments and hope that you have been inspired to seek God while He may be found….and plan a trip to see this beautiful country!

And finally – both first and last – thanks to our almighty God for His care and protection over us in both the challenging times and the good times. We are so blessed to be part of His eternal family – not because we are anything special but because His son Jesus came to earth, lived, died and rose from the dead so all those who believe in Him may have eternal life.

“Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea – the Lord on high is mighty” Psalm 93 v 4

Day 83 Kew to Helensburgh 27.9.19

The sun rose over the free camp as we prepared to drive home…. the last day of the trip…..

We left the Royal Hotel camping area and drove south – keen to get home and see family and friends….thankful for the wonderful opportunity to see more of Australia and the unique diversity of God’s amazing creation.

Arrivng home we were pleased to see the house still standing….and garden in full spring bloom!

Branch returned to his rightful place on the Vitara dash…dreaming of the next Wild Adventure…2022???

Our whole group were so thankful that we had all been kept safe and well over the last three months – praise God for watching over us and blessing us with such wonderful fellowship and great memories!

The newest addition to the Loveday clan – Finley Ezra Loveday – was born 10 days before we arrived home and so it was a great joy to meet him on our return!

Day 82 Yandina to Kew 26.9.19

The final packup…..Trev and I hitched up the van, drove out of Hidden Valley along their long driveway through rainforest and turned the car south….Wild Adventure II was reaching its conclusion.

We drove south…past the Glasshouse Mountains, through Brisbane…

past the Gold Coast and over the border into NSW…farewell sunny Queensland! Our aim was to get as far as possible down the coast so as to have a fairly easy journey to Sydney the following day so as to catch up with family living on the north side of Sydney in the morning thus driving through the city around lunchtime to avoid peak hour!!

We got as far as Kew and stopped at the free camp there next to the Royal Hotel where we grabbed a meal…

Gordie and Kerry showed up after picking up the squeaky clean and serviced Titan from SCD in Brisbane. The guys there did a great job fixing the “cosmetic” issues including stone chips….and also sorted other bits and pieces including a replacement tyre – Gordie was stoked!! They elected to drive on straight through to home as Kerry had an appointment in the morning so we farewelled them again and settled in for the last night in the van.

Day 81 Eumundi/ Noosa 25.9.19

 The last official day of our Wild Adventure before we start the journey home…

We farewelled Gordie and Kerry who were going to Brisbane to SCD to get the Titan serviced and sorted after the journey…

Branch again thought about travelling with them as a bonnet ornament but felt it may have been a bit risky with Gordie’s speedy driving – he could be swept away never to be seen again so retreated to the comfort of the Ranger interior…after he joined in the family photo!!

Everyone was feeling fairly sad as it was time to part ways…the Wild Adventure was finished…until the next time!!

After Gordie and Kerry left we drove out to Eumundi Markets and spent the morning browsing the markets looking for gifts…. Very hard to find male gifts – markets are clearly set up to appeal to the female buyer….as we have noticed all along the way….

We drove back in to Noosa- Trev hoping for another surf but unfortunate it was too small – so we had a swim and lay on the beach for a while relaxing.

The Noosa Surf Club overlooked the beach so we went in and had an early dinner – delicious…..

then made our way back to the van for our last night on the Sunshine Coast….

Day 80 Rainbow Beach/ Noosa 24.9.19

We farewelled Rose and Dave this morning…sad to see them leave after travelling together for the last 3 months….Dave packed up early….

The last group photos were taken…

Rosie got in the last animal feeding (forbidden but what does that matter???!!) with the local baby emu…who was as good as  Rosie working the camera- he had the right foot and head action…

Branch was sad to see them go and even considered a trip as bonnet ornament – but changed his mind as there was too much work involved with the Wells van – leave that to Poppy the apprentice!

A near-Branch episode occurred as they were leaving- the TV aerial was still up – but averted at the ninth-hour by Dave!

Dave went out hot…skidding along the dirt road on the exit from Hidden Valley ….we would all be missing the Toyota precision driving team!!

Trev and Gordie were keen to go to Rainbow Beach to take the 4WDs on the sand so we were up early and drove to Tewantin to catch the vehicular Ferry to Cooloola.

There were bushfires burning in the Cooloola area so we stopped at the ranger station before the ferry to check on access etc. All was good – just no camping allowed as the fires were still active – and the drive along the beach and up over the point to Rainbow Beach was all open.

The ferry ride took all of 2 minutes and we then drove to the 3rd access point and let the tyres down before driving on to Teewah beach.

The tide was right out and the sand was hard so we made our way along the 51kms to the point fairly quickly…

the coloured sandhills were beautiful…..

we saw the bushfires burning close up on the hills and the rural fire service was grabbing some seawater to take in the fight the fire.

Surf rolled in – crystal clear water and smooth white sand on the never-ending beach….or so it seemed! The day was a bit windy and the waves were being whipped up into a hit of a choppy mess..

Arriving at the Leisha track that went across Double Island Point to Rainbow beach Gordie went first and nearly got the Titan bogged in the soft sand but managed to get up the ramp and on to level ground where he let the tyres down a bit more….

We had hardly seen a car on Teewah Beach  but as we came over the rise on to Rainbow Beach there was a plethora of 4WDs parked along the beach!!! The beach was protected from the wind and the surf was smooth – albeit small.

After parking the cars we jumped in for a swim and Trev took his new surfboard – aptly named the “Peanut” – for its maiden voyage – not too successful due to the small waves but a bit of fun nevertheless…

The water was amazingly clear and warm…

and the coloured sand cliffs of Rainbow Beach made a spectacular backdrop.

We relaxed and swam for a while….

Trev used his portable shower to wash off the salt…Gordie revelled in the freshwater shower as always!!

then made the journey back to Noosa along Teewah Beach before the tide became too high to pass…

Back in Noosa we walked along the boardwalk through the national park looking at the various surfing spots…..

Gordie found an unusual surfboard to ride…

The boiling pot was aptly named….

We returned back to camp for our last dinner together…Gordie and Kerry were leaving in the morning to head for Brisbane to get the Titan serviced at SCD…

Day 79 Sunshine Coast 23.9.19

Trev and Gordie got up early to go for a surf with Mitchel who was up visiting Mon at Eumundi. They met at Point Arkwright at about 730 and caught a few waves on boards borrowed from Mon.

Kerry and I left camp at 8 to drive out and meet the guys at Pt Arkwright then go and have brekky with them and Mitchel and Mon. Rose and Dave had brekky at camp and planned to meet up with us all at Coolum for coffee.

The day was warm and intermittently cloudy – we found Mon on the beach and watched the guys for a while…there was also a whale with her calf playing not to far from shore which was great to watch!

We walked up to the cars and Gordie diligently rinsed Mon’s “Maximum” surfboard – would be a fitting board for his Kiama neighbour – aptly named.

Due to his fetish for a fresh water shower after being in salt water, Gordie took advantage of the tap as no showers were around….he then took it to the next level and used the communal dogbowl to rinse off….then tried to give Trev a rinse too!!

After loading the boards into Mon’s van we drove down to Coolum and had breakfast and coffee at Canteen overlooking the beach – Dave and Rose arrived not long after we did.

Breakfast was delicious – so was the coffee – and once finished we left to go to Mon’s place to “meet the parents”….only Mon’s dad as her mum was away down the coast. They live at Eumundi – about 20 mins drive from Coolum through beautiful countryside with acreages, farms and rainforest. Mon’s dad John was home and we had cool drinks with him and Mon and Mitchel hearing all about his new gold mining enterprise not far from Gympie – fascinating!! Mitchel was leaving to fly home so we said our goodbyes and headed back to Noosa Heads to meet up with Gordie, Kerry , Rose and Dave who had been exploring the coastal fringe while we were at Eumundi.

Parking was a nightmare but after a quick prayer Trev found a gun spot!

We browsed the shops and had a swim at Noosa beach – the water was clear and warm! As it is QLD school holidays the area was fairly crowded – something we were not used to after our last few weeks in more remote areas!

Gordie had spotted a surfboard warehouse and so we all went for a look….Trev had been keen to buy an new board and he found an epoxy board for the right price…..Happy Birthday Trev!!!

That night we had the “last supper” so to speak with Rose and Dave as they were leaving us tomorrow to go to Cave’s Beach to spend 2 nights with Dave’s sister Deeann. Another “true confessions” night where Dave revealed he had walked into the unisex shower toilet combo here at Hidden Vally and surprised a “young lady” who was under the shower (there are no shower curtains here) – not sure who was more embarrassed – Dave or the lady under the shower – but there was a bit of confusion as to her age – as Gordie put it “should have gone to Specsavers!!…

Everyone was feeling sad as our Wild Adventure was drawing to a close…..

Day 78 Hervey Bay to Yandina 22.9.19

We packed up early and went upstairs to have a coffee and listened to a podcast sermon on Colossians with Mark and Kim.

After a group photo we all went into Hervey Bay to the church Mark and Kim attend – Hervey Bay Bible Church – for the 930 am service. Their church meets in a community hall next to the Botanic Gardens near Urangan.

When church had finished we said our goodbyes to Mark and Kim – we had a great time of fellowship with them and it was so good to catch up and finally see their new place!!

Gordie, Kerry, Trev and I were journeying to Yandina to a place called Hidden Valley – our next camping spot where Rose and Dave had travelled to yesterday so we were meeting up with them for a last few days together…the Wild Adventure was almost at an end….

Wayne and Jo (and Jed) bade us farewell as well – they were headed to Maleny to stay with some people they had met during their time away – we will now see them back at home when we all return next week…

A quick lunch at Maryborough and an easy drive down the Bruce Highway saw us turn off onto the Yandina – Bli Bli road at about 3pm….and arrive at Hidden Valley (Gro-mad Plantations, 180 Yandina-Bli Bli Road) which was a plantation farm that also has a few camping and caravan sites on it.

Sharon the owner was very friendly and showed us to our sites – lush green grass!!!! The farm is situated down a track that is surrounded by rainforest-like bushland. Despite the dryness elsewhere, this area is still looking quite lush.

We set up and Rosie provided afternoon tea of banana bread and strawberries she had sourced from the Eumundi Markets. Rose and Dave had gone to the markets the day before and Rosie had been in 7th heaven….not so sure about Dave…. He mentioned that the Pearl was somewhat lower in the back after all the holiday purchases!! Rosie had great success at the markets and we were looking forward to our trip there on Wednesday!

Gordie and Trev went on an exploratory bike ride….and we settled in to a dinner of last nights leftovers from the BBQ at Mark and Kims.

Day 77 Hervey Bay 21.9.19

Rose and Dave crept out early to go on down to Eumundi Markets and the accommodation at Yandina where we will meet them tomorrow. We had a slow and relaxing start to the day….an early morning read followed by coffee and brekky on the balcony with the pups…

Little Matilda the Queensland champion was working the camera better than Rosie!!

The grounds around Mark and Kim’s place are lovely despite the dry weather – it is not hard to imagine how lush it usually is when there is more rain.

Trev put up the drone for an aerial view of Mark and Kim’s property and surrounding area – despite the dry conditions the location is beautiful and so conveniently close to town and the beach! Mark got a bit up close and personal with the drone!!!!

Kim had to work a half day so the rest of us headed off into the beach for a swim and coffee …Kim then met us after work for fish and chips in the park.

Hervey Bay is beautiful and a great place for a swim when the tide is in. The Bay itself is quite shallow between the mainland and Fraser Island and the tide goes out a fair way.

The foreshore is dotted with parks, cafes and a splash park for the kids – all well-manicured and set out.

Back at the house Gordie put his baking prowess into gear and produced another legendary batch of scones which went down well with tea and coffee that afternoon!

For our last night with Mark and Kim we cooked a communal barbeque – even the pups had a share of the sausages!! We finished off the evening with a slideshow of their recent trip to the UK and Europe – stunning photos from Switzerland, Croatia and the UK!

Day 76 Hervey Bay 20.9.19

Trev was up early and dropped the Ranger in to T & S Automotive for an oil change and small service. After picking Trev up from the mechanics, Mark went off to work. The car was ready by 9 so Gordie and Trev went and picked it up…

Rose and Dave had planned to leave today for the Sunshine Coast so as to be able to get to Eumundi Markets – they had to leave there earlier to go and visit Dave’s sister on the way home so would miss the Wednesday markets we were going to …….as always you never know what a day may bring!

Dave fired up the Pearl…NOT….. the Pearl was as dead as a doornail!! Branch and MacGyver swung in to action with the jumper leads….to no avail despite multiple attempts it appeared both batteries were shot.

As we had planned to go in to town, we all hopped in to the other reliable (!!) cars and drove in – Trev dropping us at the Esplanade on the foreshore then he and Dave drove back to the mechanic who had serviced Trev’s car earlier.

Gordie and Kerry had made a doctor’s appointment to get Kerry’s throat checked and Gordie had been battling sinusitis for 2 weeks so antibiotics looked like they were required….

Rosie, Kim and I walked along the pier – the weather was warm and the azure water was clear and inviting.

We browsed the shops and found a coffee shop right on the beach – we all met there after doctors and mechanics visits and had coffee…

Rose lounged in the beanbag…under the watchful eye of the ever-hopeful ibis….

Gordie and Trev jumped in for a quick swim….

The mechanic, Trevor Pronk, was excellent and after lending the guys a heavy duty jump starter (which still did not stir the recalcitrant Pearl) locked up shop and came out for a home visit to diagnose the issue – 2 failed batteries so 2 replacements were required. He got the Pearl started and they drove back to the mechanics leaving the Pearl and Trev bringing Dave to join us for coffee. By the time we had finished at coffee the Pearl was ready and we all headed back home for lunch. T & S Automotive at Hervey Bay is highly recommended as an honest and fantastic customer focussed business….

Dave and Rose decided they would stay with us all another night as it had taken some time to sort out the Pearl issue….

We had a call from Wayne and Jo who w it turned out were travelling through Childers on their way to Hervey Bay! we invited them to stay with Mark and Kim for the next 2 nights so when we arrived back at the house they had already come in and set up camp. We met Jed – the dig Wayne rescued from Mapoon – he was a very placid dog with unusual eyes that were 2 different colours!

That night we took Mark and Kim out to their favourite Chinese Restaurant to say thanks for their hospitality – the food was delicious and fresh – even Gordie was impressed tho’ he did say it was not quite as good as his favourite Yarrawarrah Chinese!

Day 75 1770 to Hervey Bay 19.9.19

Our journey today was only a mere 240kms from 1770 to Hervey Bay so we packed up slowly… the family behind us were also packing up and we all spent a fair amount of time chatting in between getting organised. The 3 kids were very friendly – Jai, Rhys and Ruby – and they even presented us with a pirate ship they had made….great to see imagination and creativity still alive and well in little kids – travelling Aus is great for that!

We went via Bundaberg and despite the very dry conditions the Burnett River was still flowing. The countryside was full of farms growing sugarcane and macadamias – very neat and ordered macadamia orchards!!!

On through Childers we then arrived at my brother Mark and his wife Kim’s property on the outskirts of Hervey Bay – 5 acres with a beautiful old Queenslander that they are renovating! Despite the dry conditions the grounds are still beautiful – all a work in progress. We set up our vans as we were staying here for the next 3 nights.

We had a great evening catching up with Mark and Kim… and their 5 Chihuahuas Jack, Lily, Matilda, Chloe and Bella provided a lot of entertainment!

A spilt glass of red wine and Jack was right in there…evidence of the outcome available a short time later!!!